Session 2-5-12

Chris, Matt and I today…

2 rounds shadow boxing
Russian fisticuff drills: horizontal half round blow drill with and without focus pads. Hammer fist drill fore and back. Hammer to hook drill.
2 rounds boxing
2 rounds savate
Some realy good fighting this week. Seems like all three of us improved at some things since just last weeks session. During my second round of sparring I broke my right thumb when it got hooked on something during an exchange, most likely Matt’s 4oz glove. I finished the rest of my rounds with pain but once we stopped and the adrenalin dropped, I realized just ho bad I hurt…I played coach for the rest of the session.
Next up navaja…just a quick review of offensive actions, cuts and thrusts.
We ended this weeks session with some dussack. Went over some basics and some work on triangle stepping. Chris and Matt fought a few bouts putting what we worked on into play.
My right hand will likely be on the shelf for a while so lots of footwork and left handed stuff for me, at least for a while.









Actual photo of puffed hand.

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